However, there is a tendency that the shorter term strategies you use, the more likely you are to lose your money. Why do I know this? Well, because I analyze markets with using computer language to calculate a lot of numbers and patterns almost astronomically. I'm not exaggerating. You can know it when you look at all articles in this blog.
And what makes you interested is that it's way more easier not only for me but for someone who does the same things that I do to make trading strategies that work on longer term span. This means if you are a beginner thinking of applying a strategy on your trading but you don't want to spare a lot time about thinking what strategy is good and you have an idea of using a strategy made by somebody then you should always rely on long term strategies
Here is two examples that illustrate it for you.
This chart shows you how your capital would've gone like if you had been trading with a short term strategy. In this strategy I used 1 day price action and 7 days price action. When 1 day movement gets stronger against 7 days movement the system automatically buy. As you can see, you capital gets up and down.
but to make the system buy with a longer span like 1 day against 60 days, your capital would've been like this. It's much better.
If you want to know more about this or want to get this spreadsheet just give me an email or a comment and I send you right away.
